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时间:2024-06-18 06:10:47 阅读:62682

Spring Mushroom Hall Skincare Products ? How Are They Reviewed by Zhihu Users?

Spring Mushroom Hall is a Chinese skincare brand that claims to use natural and organic ingredients in their products. After browsing through Zhihu, a popular Q&A platform in China, we have compiled a summary of the user reviews of Spring Mushroom Hall.

Positive Reviews

A majority of the reviews on Zhihu are positive regarding Spring Mushroom Hall skincare products. Many users appreciated the natural and organic ingredients used in the products, as some have experienced allergic reactions to chemical-based skincare brands. Users have also commented on the efficacy of the products, noticing improvements in their skin texture and radiance.

One user shared her experience of using the Spring Mushroom Hall moisturizing cream, stating that it had a light, non-greasy formula that provided ample hydration to the skin. She noticed that her skin was brighter and clearer after regular use. Another user praised the brand's herbal facial mask, stating that it helped to soothe her irritated skin and remove impurities effectively.

Negative Reviews

Although the majority of the reviews were positive, there were also some negative comments regarding Spring Mushroom Hall. Some users mentioned that the products did not work for their skin type, causing irritation or breakouts. Others commented that the prices of the products were too high, considering the quantity provided.

One user mentioned that she had sensitive skin and experienced a burning sensation after using the brand's cleansing oil, which resulted in redness and flakiness of her skin. Another user commented that the herbal facial mask had a strong fragrance that was overpowering and caused discomfort during use.


Overall, Spring Mushroom Hall skincare products have received positive reviews from Zhihu users, especially for their use of natural and organic ingredients and the efficacy of their products. However, it is important to note that every individual's skin type is unique, and it may not work for everyone. It is always recommended to patch test products before use, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Additionally, the prices of the products can be a factor for some users to consider, as they are on the pricier side. However, it is essential to keep in mind that investing in good skincare is worth the money, especially in the long run.

In conclusion, Spring Mushroom Hall skincare products have mostly positive reviews on Zhihu, and it seems like a promising brand to try for those looking for natural and organic skincare options.